Sally 是今年八月莫拉克風災的受災動物之一 .... Sally 原先的主人和其家人不幸在八八水災事件中罹難或失踪,幸運的 Sally 和 Suzy 存活下來。Suzy 即將在 12/16 飛往西雅圖,幸運的 Sally 則是被好心的旅美華僑 Jessie 認養,並將於 12/5 隨同新媽咪 Jessie 一起飛回美國舊金山新家。
Sally 的新媽咪和爹地,曾經向舊金山當地的救援組織 領養台灣赴美跨海尋家的狗狗,對台灣這些無家可歸的狗兒,有著特殊的情感,也籍此次回台的機會,特別和台灣動物緊急救援小組聯絡,並將親自帶著 Sally 飛回舊金山。相信今年的聖誔節, 對甜美可人的 Sally 和 Jessie 一家人,意義非凡,會是一個 很不一樣的聖誔節。
祝福 Sally,也謝謝 Jessie 一家人 對台灣流浪動物的關愛。
Sally 12/5 在桃園機場,由新媽咪親自護送,搭乘同班班機前往舊金山,並由新爹地親自為其拍攝留影
Sally 在舊金山新家。Juno 是媽咪爹地五年前 向舊金山當地動保救援組織領養的 由台灣赴美跨海尋家的台灣浪犬
媽咪 Jessie 的來信:
Dear Maggie and Ki-Ki,
Attached are Sally's photos, 3772/3773/3774 were taken at Airport and 3777/3781/3783 were taken in our house.
Sally is very curious about the new environment, we took her out for a walk three times and she sniffed everywhere she went.
Juno, the first Taiwanese dog we adopted 5 years ago, seemed to accommodating Sally pretty well, they have already played together several times.
We'll take good care of Sally who is now a member of the family, please don't worry about her.