2010/02/16美國西雅圖Ginger 等14隻

在送 "牛" 迎 "虎" 之際,14 隻幸運的狗狗 (九個運輸籠),也已經準備好,將在 年初三 2/16 自高雄搭乘自強號列車,於傍晚抵達 桃園火車站,再由接駁車接送至 桃園國際機場。狗狗們於機場稍作休息之後,將在旅客 David 馮先生 的協助下,搭乘 長榮航空 23:00 班機前往西雅圖,開始狗狗們另一段新的生活。


12 幼犬:
Berry, Ginger, Sweetie, Sophie - 其中 Sweetie 臨走前感冒 經動物救援小組志工評估後取消行程 安排下一批赴美!
June, Jayling, Jay, Jacob
Mona, Liza, Mozart, Beethoven

3 成犬:
Alice (狗媽媽)
Katy (狗媽媽)
Hamburger (鳳山中崙路上 被綁住臉的狗狗)

二隻疑遭車子撞擊,後半身嚴重受創的 碰碰 (棕黑色) & 跳跳 (小虎斑)

高雄志工為 碰碰 & 跳跳 編製的紀錄影片

碰碰 & 跳跳 被救援的當時

高雄救援小組在 鳯山市中崙路 營救的 Hamburger - 救援的當時,狗狗臉上被綁上橡皮圈,頭部嚴重腫大,經獸醫團隊縫合近百針之後,幸運的救回這個小生命。
南台灣 救援討論:鳳山中崙路上一隻被綁住臉的狗

高雄志工為 Hamburger 編製的紀錄影片

Hamburger 被救援的當時


台南成功大學水工試驗所 2009 年 12 月向高雄救援小組通報,請求協助救援的 狗媽媽 Alice 和她的寶寶們

Alice 和寶寶們 被救援的當時 (台南成功大學 安南校區)

狗媽媽 Kate 和她的寶寶們

Kate 和寶寶們 被救援的當時



蘋果日報 2010.2.17
癱瘓狗姊妹 赴美盼重生








謝謝護犬大使 David 馮立偉 和 馮太太

狗媽媽 Katy 和她四個可愛的寶寶們

狗媽媽 Alice 和她四個可愛的寶寶們

由左至右: Sophie - Berry - Hamburger - Ginger

志工小心地幫 Ginger 把沾在身上的便便輕擦乾淨

鳳山中崙路上 被綁住臉的狗 - Hamburger 緊張害羞的模樣,讓人憐愛。安排 專家 一員,全程陪伴 Hamburger,希望疏緩他緊張的情緒

上:過新年,放寒假,志工們帶著 小朋友 大朋友 一同前來 -- 機會教育
下:志工將 Ginger 的輪椅親交給旅客,感謝旅客樂意幫忙這件 不可或缺 的手提行李,一路由 台灣 到 西雅圖

跟時間賽跑...... 卸籠,工作分配,遛狗,運輸籠的清潔整理,幫狗狗穿衣服,照相,綁繩......計時 一小時 之內完成。作不完或不會作的 (綁繩),就請 長榮 的班長一起幫囉,哈。

2/16 小插曲 – 聽志工描述,狗狗們排隊等待行李條時,巧遇 長榮機組人員 辦理登機手續,其中一位機長帥哥知道狗狗們要飛往西雅圖時,立即回應說那是他的班機。志工們還請機長一定要多多關切狗狗們所處的的 艙壓和溫度,機長也回應 一定一定 ^^


~ 狗狗們已平安抵達西雅圖 ~

Taiwan Dogs' Arrival

Katy & Jen (Volunteer)

Katy's Baby & Seattle Boy

Here comes Ginger

Alice's Baby

Katy's Baby and the new family



Seattle Volunteers - Tanya, Amy, Jennifer ( Left to Right )

All together ....

Ginger & Berry 跟著寄養家庭的媽咪散步時,對周邊的景象和聲音尤其是海邊海浪的聲音都覺得很好奇

鄰居們看到 Ginger & Berry 時,都有著很大的震撼,大家都很喜歡 Ginger & Berry

Ginger & Berry 剛到新家的第一天,就花了很多時間在院子裡玩耍。二隻狗狗們隨著新媽咪跟前跟後,互相嘻閙,也一起探險。Ginger & Berry 似乎是 Ginger 比較外向,Ginger 似乎沒有因為癱瘓的後半身而有所恐懼

Ginger & Berry 對填充玩具都很感興趣

Ginger & Berry 與同是來自台灣的 Robert [12/8 飛往西雅圖的7隻受虐犬 ] 相見歡

Robert, Berry & Ginger 大家一起玩的很開心

三隻台灣的狗狗聚在一起,不知道會不會一起 八卦 ?! ^^

Ginger & Berry 精力旺盛,在經過一天不停歇的活動之後,睡前還是要再玩一下才肯休息

Message from Seattle Foster Family

Jen & Maggie,

Thanks for the wonderful emails. Ginger and Berry are doing amazing. They are both fantastic pups and have adjusted easily!

After I picked them up yesterday we went for a long walk. Ginger really gets around in her cart. They both really enjoyed new sights and sounds especially the sounds of the waves from the beach and the seagulls. They were huge hits with my neighbors who were fond of both of them.

When we got home we spent a large portion of our day outside in the yard. They just followed me around, played with each other and did a little exploring. Ginger seems to be more outgoing and not afraid despite her disability.

They wound down the evening playing with Robert upstairs in front of the nice warm fire (I am sure it must have been a little cold for them here despite the rare Seattle sunshine). They love playing with stuffed animals and doing usual puppy stuff. Additionally they both got much needed bathes so they are nice and clean!

After a full non-stop day I thought for sure they would crash last night but they still wanted to play. Finally they did settle down and got, what I suspect was a good nights rest since this morning they are full of puppy energy and ready to go again!

Well we are off to have breakfast and go for a walk looks like it's going to be another rare sunshine Seattle day. I have attached a few pictures. I will try to take more later in the week.

Jen 照片來源:台灣動物緊急救援小組

照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組

Ginger & Berry 到西雅圖已經二個多星期了,二姐妹在西雅圖的寄養家庭都適應的很好,寄養家庭好喜歡她們。二姐妹每天都外出去散步,散步時總是得到很多鄰居或附近遊客的關心和注意,大家都被 Ginger & Berry 的救援故事所感動......

Berry (小虎斑) 比較不是那麼喜歡外出,相較於活潑、精力旺盛、彈力極佳的 Ginger,Berry 是比較內向和害羞,喜歡待在家裡。媽媽愛開玩笑說她是 公主,因為她喜歡大家摟著她,喜歡睡覺,不喜歡自己單獨,也不喜歡下雨 ......

Message from Ginger & Berry's foster family


It's been a day over two weeks since the girls have arrived at my home. I can't tell you how much we love them. (Not sure if we will be able to part with them!) They are doing well. They make each day such a joy and an
inspiration for all of us.

We take walks everyday. Berry doesn't really like walking, she would much prefer to stay home. We jokingly call her the princess since she loves cuddling, sleeping, doesn't like being alone and doesn't like the rain. She
is a little more withdrawn than Ginger. I think Berry has absorbed some of the stress of change that she and Ginger have had to undergo probably since before their rescue. She is gaining weight and loves to eat. She also enjoys playing with her sister and the other dogs I have in my home. I am hoping Tanya will have her leg surgery taken care of so that Berry can adjust and go on with her life. I am not sure if her leg causes her pain. We love her dearly!

Ginger is so happy, so resilient and such an inspiration to everyone.

Both girls get tons of attention both at home, visitors and from neighbors on our walks. Everyone wanted me to express to their rescuers Bless you for saving these precious girls. Thank you for giving them life and us too!

Please write anytime,

Jen 照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組 跨海認養部

狗媽媽 Katy 在 西雅圖 找到新家了。

Katy 很享受新家庭為她準備的新床,二位小朋友也愛極了Katy。她將會得到新家給她完全的愛,也會是這個家庭裡不可或缺的新成員。

Message from Katy's new family

We adopted Katy today at the event in Seattle. She seems to enjoy her new bed here and my kids absolutely adore her. She will never lack in affection here. She is going to be a great addition to our family.

Thanks for sending her medical info as soon as possible.


Renee 碰碰 Berry ─ 在上個禮拜進行了截肢手術,目前復原狀況都還不錯!

跳跳 Ginger ─ Ginger 現在已經非常習慣地使用輪椅生活了。目前 Ginger 有部份脊椎斷落而擠壓到牠的脊椎神經,目前還不確定 Ginger 的脊椎神經是否受到損傷,但這之後 Ginger 媽媽都還會持續讓獸醫進行診療評估,如果脊椎神經沒有受傷的話,經過手術 Ginger 說不定還有站起來的一天 ...


