2010/02/08美國洛杉磯Chubby 等14隻

跨海認養 狗狗名單:

Cake, Cheese, Pie, Toast
Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter
Butter, Cookie, Chopin, Sunny



屏東縣 內埔鄉 南台灣動物救援討論區:4隻剛出生的小狗


高雄縣 旗山旗尾 南台灣動物救援討論區:請幫國道十號交流道下腫瘤母狗

當時生活在水溝裡的小幼幼 ( 一隻當了天使,一隻醫師建議 暫緩長途旅行 )


高雄市新莊仔路帶回的黃金獵犬 Maria。初到醫院的Maria,有心絲蟲感染和腎臟方面的疾病需要治療。

Maria 被發現的當時
當時生活在水溝裡的小幼幼 ,醫師原建議 Pluto 暫緩長途旅行
後因 2/6 的旅客身體不適取消行程 + Pluto 恢復情形良好
幸運的 Pluto 也排上 2/8 的名單 ^^ ( 請網管幫忙更改主題,謝謝 )



謝謝護犬大使 Phil 陳俊龍

旅客 Phil 要回洛杉磯讀書,全家人陪同到桃園國際機場,家中寶貝 阿笨 (左下) 和妹妹的 Michael (右下) 也前來機場 實習。阿笨是哥哥 Phil 在高雄唸大學時,一個颱風夜裡,在停車場遇見的流浪小幼幼。待哥哥美國的學業完成,有了工作以後,哥哥計劃也要幫 阿笨 買機票,帶他一起去 米國 ^^




照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組

Maria 的新家庭給了她新的名字 - Maggie

這是 Maggie (Maria) 在美國的公園裡

左邊數過來第二隻是 Maggie (Maria) -- 好大的公園 !!


Maggie (Maria) 和她的朋友們

這麼大的公園,就來玩個大一點的 足球 吧......

Bridget & Maggie (Maria)

Message from the new family

Good Morning!

We just got back from a doggie play date and I thought I would let you know how much fun Maggie (a.k.a. Maggie’s Maria, sorry we dropped the “Maria”) is having. We have a great morning routine that she and the kids really love. Instead of just taking the kids to school in the morning, we go to the park next to the school and meet our friends and their dogs there to run around, chase a ball etc. for about half an hour. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to start the day. Here are some pictures of our Maggie and her friends playing this morning.
Thanks again for bringing Maggie into our lives. We couldn’t be happier, and I think she’s pretty happy too. ?彆br>
Take care,

Jennifer 照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組

Maria (now Maggie) 的新家傳回新的照片囉......

照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組 跨海認養部

這是 Maria (now Maggie) 在洛杉磯的第一個 復活節

Maria (now Maggie) 個性極佳,她和大家都相處非常融洽。一次的機會,Maria 與一隻天竺鼠 (guinea pig) 初見面,原先擔心這隻天竺鼠會成為 Maria 的晚餐,但她只是舔舔小小天竺鼠,打完招呼後就躺下來。反是小小天竺鼠嗅聞 Maria 之後,企圖爬到 Maria 身上,把 Maria 當為自己的大玩偶

Maria (now Maggie) 對一些巨大的聲響如使用中的吸塵器或是跑步機很容易受到驚嚇。當下我們會靠近她,撫摸她,讓她將這些她不喜歡的事物和我們對她愛的撫摸聯想在一起。打開電視也是我們訓練 Maria 習慣接受那些聲響的方式之一

Maria (now Maggie) 有一次試圖玩家裡弟弟的填充玩具 (她有她自己的),當她聽見我的嚇阻聲,她很快的放下玩具,退後並躲藏在桌子底下...... 這個小可憐或許以前被受虐的印象還存在著,相信假以時日,她會清楚知道 她是被愛的,是安全的,不用再擔心和害怕 

Message from Maria's (now Maggie) family

She's doing great. Against my wishes, my daughter introduced her to our guinea pig. I was afraid Maggie (Maria to you guys) would see Buttercup (the guinea pig) as dinner but she just licked her and laid down then Buttercup sniffed Maggie and tried to climb on her then went on her merry way. Maggie gets along with everyone and everything, it's amazing!

She is very skittish though and afraid of loud, moving objects like the treadmill, vacuum cleaner etc. Someone always has to be near her, petting her to keep her happy. I find turning on the TV helps drown out the noise too and that helps her. She got a hold of one of my son’s stuffed animals (Maggie has her own) and when I yelled to her to drop it she dropped her head (and the stuffed bear) and backed up quickly, hiding under the table. I definitely think the poor thing was abused in the past but hopefully as times goes on she’ll realize that she's safe now and let go of some of her fears.

Take care,


