16 幼犬:
River, Rita, Riva, Rosa, Rona
Oron, Orla
Edward, Berry, Fancy
Louis, Luke, Melinda
Muse, Shelly, Victor
4 成犬:
Josephine, Suzy, Andrew, Amanda
River 等五隻 "R" 字輩的幼犬,係援救自 南投縣信義鄉 陳有蘭溪橋下方,故均以河川 River 的字首 "R" 為五隻幼犬命名。
【救援日誌】南投信義鄉陳有蘭溪橋到台中市 翻山越嶺搶救五隻未開眼幼犬大作戰
援救自中部地區的 二隻幼犬
援救自高雄地區的 九隻幼犬
援救自南部 莫拉克颱風水災災區的 Josephine & Suzy
Andrew 是救援小組於今年九月初 在高雄縣林園鄉雙園大橋旁與網友一同營救橡皮圈斷喉狗時 ( 即 Robert, 12/8 已前往西雅圖寄養家庭等待認養),發現他毛髮稀疏,全身都是皮膚疾病,將其一併帶回檢查治療。
【網路溫情】救援小組網友愛的接力 成功搶救高雄林園橡皮圈斷喉狗等三病犬急救
救援小組援救自高雄的 Amanda。救援的當時,Amanda 已被拴在馬路邊的大型盆栽旁好些天了。
今天下午5點不到,台灣動物緊急救援小組中部地區多位志工就已分批將7隻曾受虐的流浪幼犬運抵台中火車站大廳內,參與站方特別準備的「溫馨送別會」,頓時讓現場瀰漫濃濃的溫馨氣氛;台鐵台中站站長林景山與站員特別抱起曾經遭棄的幼犬,當起「動保愛心大使」,呼籲民眾「認養貓狗是一生一世的承諾、愛牠就不要遺棄牠」許多搭車旅客也忍不住停下來與可愛的狗兒們合照,民眾得知這群受虐狗要搭火車、搭機出國找新家,驚呼「不可思議、超幸福」! 送行會後,台灣動物緊急救援小組志工則依序檢查每個運輸籠、確保狗兒在運輸途中安全無虞,「狗貴客」們則是一路吸引候車旅客目光;站長林景山與站員則一路護送7位「狗旅客」進入月台。
我們正在排隊準備Check In~
↓你看她們三隻多可愛阿(Louis, Victor, Melinda),牠們在疊疊樂取暖睡覺了
↓Oron and Orla 還很有精神的在啃牛奶骨
~~ 狗狗們已平安抵達西雅圖囉 ~~
Amanda ( 哈, 西雅圖這三位志工 該不會名字也是 Amanda 吧 :-p )
西雅圖傳回 Shelly 的最新,Shelly 現在的名字是 Kiwi
Have a good dream, babies !
和貓咪相處很好,一起玩耍 ^^
精力旺盛的 Shelly,在沙發上打個盹兒,睡個幾小時,醒來後馬上就可以玩得不亦樂乎
Here are a few pics of Kiwi (formerly Shelly) She is such a ham. Kiwi is a super spunky puppy who is content to just hang out on the couch with you and nap for a few hours and then she will wake up and be ready for play time!! She isn't a big fetcher but she does love her little stuffed toys. She will sneak into bed with me at night and curl up against my back with her head on my shoulder breathing into my ear. Kiwi is potty pad trained (as long as you don't leave the bedroom door open) then she will poo back there but otherwise she is doing great!! She doesn't chase the cats just wants to play with them and loves the kids (mostly I think because they are prone to dropping small pieces of food. She will make someone an awesome companion. Sorry I sent so many pics I wanted to make sure you got one that you could work with if need be.
Kat 照片來源:台灣動物緊急救援小組
謝謝旅客 湯偉傑 先生父子 (西雅圖 Tacoma 國際機場)
上排:Suzy, Andrew 下排:Victor, Rosa
Rona 有了新的名字 -- Olive
照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組
Melinda 的新家庭給了她新的名字 -- Stella
Message from the new family
Hi Jen,
Sorry it's taken a couple months, but we wanted to send you a few photos and give you an update on Melinda. We ended up renaming her Stella, and we absolutely love her! Stella is very alert and smart, and has taken to obedience training very well. She loves to please us, and loves to play. We've had some friends over with small kids, and she's been just great with kids and other dogs. We have a 5 year old cat, and they get along pretty good too. Stella, as a puppy, is a little too excited in general and gets a bit too aggressive, but when the cat is in the mood, they chase each other and have a great time.
Anyway, thank you for going through the rescue process in Taiwan ... we're certainly grateful for your efforts!
-Phil and Andria Osterholt