1~2 Bonnie & Bobbie
3~7 Ike, Joe, Ben, Grace & Gloria
8 Nike
9 Bethy
10 Betty
11 Jimmy
12 Kelly
13 Pon Pon
14 Robert
15 Rola
16 Dan
17 Michael
八八水災災區救回的 Bonnie & Bobbie
救援實錄 請按這裡:【八八水災】救援小組挺進高縣旗山、甲仙災區 營救已故小林村民兩幼犬送醫急救
高雄縣 興達港 救回的五隻幼犬 Ike, Joe, Ben, Grace & Gloria
救援實錄 請按這裡:【救援日誌】高縣興達港營救捕獸夾癩皮六病犬 救援小組大隊長鑽貨櫃滿手被咬傷
於高雄縣鳯山軍營救回的幼犬 Nike. 救援時前額受傷合併著嚴重的皮膚疾病
9. & 10. 於屏東東港南平海岸救回的 Bethy & Betty. 救援當時毛髮近乎完全脫落,皮膚疾病極為嚴重
11. 7/19於高雄鳯山五甲社區救回的 Jimmy. 救援當時因為心絲蟲感染,喘息急促,近三個月的治療後才恢復健康
12. 六月初在台南黃金海岸援救的 Kelly. 救援當時毛髮近乎完全脫落,瀕臨生死之間,後腿也因傷而瘸跛。醫生對於 Kelly 的後腿已束手無策,經志工與洛杉磯動保組織頻頻書信往返,當地動保組織願意接手Kelly 並為其安排外科手術
13. Pon Pon 疑似被繁殖場棄置在高雄縣郊區的一菜園附近。救援當時相當的衰弱,血液分析檢查指數極差。幸運的 Pon Pon 獲得聖地牙哥當地拉不拉多犬救援協會的協助,該組織將前往洛杉磯機場迎接 Pon Pon
14. 於中崙一水災災區狗園救回的 Robert. 救援當時因為環境惡劣引發的嚴重皮膚疾病
15. 被遺棄在鳯山,束縛在一輛卡車旁的 Rola. 就醫後發現有嚴重的心絲蟲感染。
16. 救援小組協助跨海認養的 Dan. <加油,阿丹>
17. Michael 是被一位賣香腸的攤販親眼目睹他被人遺棄在高雄的一個郊區。Michael 是被推下車的,車主在推下Michael 之後,毫不眷戀的揚長而去。
10.29 自強號 快遞車廂裡的 12 個運輸籠 (17隻狗狗 )
桃園火車站的工作人員和月台志工 現在已經是這些狗狗們的好朋友了
Amanda 的擦屎達人團, 想必在高雄 幫狗狗擦了很多
肥水不落外人田,居然一丁點兒 都沒有留給北部哩.... ( 就感心 ^^ )
10.29 很多志工朋友們的幫忙 狗狗們玩得也夠瘋的了
亂陣中沒有看見 Kelly,原來和藍大哥坐在角落裡 乘風吹涼
Pon Pon & Rola 筋骨舒展完,要回出境大廳集合囉
17 隻狗狗 均已平安抵達洛杉磯
接手阿丹的動物保護組織 已經傳回 阿丹 在寄養家庭的最新照片......
Rola & Pon Pon 在近 12 個小時的飛行 抵逹洛杉磯之後
再由聖地牙哥的志工 開了近 2 個小時的車程 回到聖地牙哥的寄養家庭 ......
Pon Pon
Rola & Pon Pon
Rola 和寄養家庭的小哥哥,及她的狗玩伴 Cassie
PonPon in San Diego (聖地牙哥)
Kelly 在洛杉磯的寄養家庭給了她 新的名字 Whisper
寄養家庭的媽媽 Lisa 在 2007 領養了救援小組援救的 Liberty.
Message from the foster family
Hi Maggie & Joseph,
I've had my hands full with Whisper. She's very sweet. The medication for her eye has helped a lot. We meet the orthopedic specialist this week then we will decide the plan of her needs to make her the most adoptable. Her eye surgery is not urgent but necessary in the near future and prior to adoption. I'll keep you posted.
Rola 找到她永遠的家了!
~ Rola and her new family ~
Hi All!
Rola found her forever family today! The Johnsons of Camel Mountain Ranch, Amy and her girls met her today and took her home. She will get lots of love and patience. She rode to her new home sitting in the back seat next to her human sister. They had planned to have her ride in the back of their SUV but saw her nervousness about the car and wanted her to be comfortable so they had her sit up on the seat. This caring attitude shows how well cared for she will be.
Once they met her it was an easy decision for her to become a member of their family. They texted their decision to dad, Jeff, at home.
Tara Johansson
中文意思摘要:Rola 今天找到她永遠的家了! 新家的媽咪 Amy 和她的女兒們今天來看了Rola 並帶她回家。新家庭將會付出滿滿的的愛與耐心給 Rola。Rola 在回新家的路上,就坐在車子的後椅座上,跟著小姐姐們同坐。她們原先計劃讓 Rola 坐在其越野型休旅車的後廂位置,但因為看見 Rola 對車子新環境的焦慮不安,為了讓 Rola 覺得自在一些,就讓 Rola 坐在前排的椅座上。這一點點的細膩,看出新家庭將會很好地照顧 Rola 的。
Rola 在遇見 Amy 她們母女時,很快地 Rola 就與她們融合在一起像一家人。Amy 她們直接發了簡訊給在家的爹地,告知要帶 Rola 回家的決定。
Michael 找到他的 爸爸 媽媽 和狗姐姐 囉.....
Michael 才到寄養家庭沒幾天,寄養家庭就決定要留下 Michael 和家中的 狗姐姐 Sage 作伴。寄養家庭的部落格是以狗姐Sage 為版主, 撰寫了 Sage with envy .... 和 My New Best Friend. Sage 起初對這位狗弟弟並沒有很友善,也不想和 Michael 一起分享 爸爸 媽媽。但是沒有幾天,Sage 和 Michael (Odie) 已經成為好朋友囉。
November 1, 2009 Sage with envy....
I didn't expect much today as Mom and Dad and I seemed to be having a lazy Sunday. But around 3pm, all of a sudden, it looked like we were going for a car ride!
I was having a blast in the backseat and enjoying the scenery when we pulled up to a Pet Food Express in Palo Alto. (btw, I love this store. This is where Mom buys my frozen yogurts for special occasions!) There looked to be a lot more dogs than normally would be at a Pet Food Express, but I ignored that as there were so many scents to smell!
I found out that there was a dog adoption fair going. I wasn't very concerned until Mom and Dad started talking to a lady with a young golden lab and then we started walking with him! WTH!
I wasn't very friendly as I was hoping to ignore this puppy, but we seemed to be doing a zillion laps around the parking lot with this puppy. Hmmmmm.....I was even more concerned when a crate suddenly popped up and was being put in the truck. HEY! Why is that puppy getting in the truck??? WHAT? Mom and Dad are *fostering* this puppy?
We get home and Dad is trying to throw the ball for us and I'm still trying to keep the puppy away from me by growling and it. Dad and Mom didn't like that. I don't get why they want me to be friendly with the puppy. I mean, that puppy doesn't even know to sit when he hears the command SIT! Sheesh!
Fast forward to later that night and I'm kind of getting used to the little puppy, but then he starts jumping on my Mom and I'm *NOT* going to let that go without a stern warning because THAT'S MY MOM! Not Yours!
I refuse to let the puppy lay down on my pillow because that's mine! Then I see the puppy snuggling up with my Dad. HEY! THAT'S *MY* DAD! Stay away! Grrrrrrr....
Anyways, Mom and Dad decide it's time for a nap for the both of us and so the lil pup goes into his crate and I fall promptly asleep on my Mom's foot. In full view of the pup of course!
So, help me out everyone! This pup needs to find his forever home because I'm not sure yet if I really like him enough to share my mom and dad. Pass the word along please!
November 4, 2009 My New Best Friend
So, I have to admit. The little puppy is growing on me.
He plays with my toys. He always wants a treat when I get a treat
But he's a lot of fun to run around with in the back yard. We are having a blast!
Hi Maggie & Joseph,
I know Whisper is called disabled but that does not slow her down. I've never had such a playful dog at my home. She is so HAPPY all the time and is so active. My beautiful Ty has been so sad and depressed since Libby left. He's a nervous dog and was not sure about Whisp the first week but they just started to become friends and it's brought joy here. Here they are in a game today having lots of fun.
Whisper (Kelly) 和在桃園機場相見時的害羞差了好多......
寄養家庭媽媽 Lisa 說 Whisper (Kelly) 雖然一隻腳失去能力,但完全不影響她的行動。家裡從來沒有像 Whisper 這樣好動愛玩的狗狗。她總是那麼地開心和充滿活力。自從 Libby 離開之後,Ty 總是悶悶不樂沮喪著臉。Ty 是個易焦慮緊張的狗狗;第一個星期對剛剛來到的 Whisper 不是很瞭解,但現在二隻狗狗已經開始成為好朋友而且玩得很開心喔......
Jimmy 和他的新媽咪 .....
幸運的阿丹 (Dan aka Dapper Dan) 在抵達洛杉磯一個星期之後,11/5 晚上和新家庭的媽咪爹地 Linda & Curt Welker 及11歲 的黃金姐姐 Summer 一起回到 San Diego 他永遠的家囉 ......
新家庭裡有 Summer 姐姐,年紀約四歲的阿丹,現在真得是 阿 小 丹了 : )
Following Photos From : Kodak Gallery
寄養家庭媽咪 幫阿丹拍的影片
Whisper (Kelly) 的新家傳回 Kelly 的最新照片與信息囉 ......
下面這張三隻狗狗扯同一玩具 實在太有意思了
Hi Maggie & Joseph,
I had some friends over to meet Whisper tonight and everyone fell for her! She’s a very good girl. Thought you might enjoy these photos. She and Ty (David) have become fast friends. I’m so proud of him too and you can see how handsome he has become. He and I have been praying to Liberty to send him a friend to take his sadness away. We both believe that Whisper was meant to be a part of our family. Even our big boy Jack accepts her now and their playing makes me laugh every day. Thank you for sending me another angel.
中文意思摘要:一些朋友今晚來看到 Whisper (Kelly) 每一個人都好喜歡她! 她真得是 good girl. Whisper (Kelly) 和 Ty (David) 現在已經是很好的朋友了。現在連我們的 Big Boy Jack 也接納 Whisper,他們之間的嬉閙玩耍,帶給我們很多的歡樂。謝謝你們把 Whisper 這位小天使帶給我們。
Pon Pon 的新家 也捎來訊息和照片 ....
Judy and I want to thank you for my new heart. This past spring I had to put my 12 year old lab Daisy away. I just about killed me. She was my constant companion and now I have a new companion.
She is so very sweet and mellow. I am physically disabled and she is just my speed. She is doing well and I am enclosing a couple of pictures to see her.
Jim and Judy Helmick
阿丹 新家的媽咪傳回 阿小丹的最新....
因為 Dan 這個英文名字和家族成員裡有重疊,媽咪給阿小丹一個很帥的名字 Cabo
左邊是 11 歲的姐姐 Summer Girl,右邊是阿小丹 Cabo
在台灣有少爺病 (懶病) 的阿丹,剛到新家時,他的腳程還追不上 11 歲的姐姐。現在他已經可以每天走個 30 分鐘,媽咪丟顆球給他,可以願意再多走個 10 分鐘
新家庭帶著 Cabo & Summer Girl 到海邊去渡假。媽咪猜想阿小丹 Cabo 以前坐過電梯,所以海邊公寓的電梯對阿小丹 Cabo 而言......小事一樁
陽光下 健健康康 身強體壯 的阿小丹 Cabo with Sister Summer Girl
媽咪信裡有提說 阿小丹 Cabo 的英文聽力愈來愈好囉 ......
照片裡為什麼都沒有Soft toys 哩 ...... 因為二姐弟可以這麼和平相處,必須是把 Soft toys 全部都收起來。除了Soft toys,二姐弟對球,對食物,對媽咪的寵愛 都可以和平共享 ^^
Message from Cabo's Mommy
We absolutely love him!! He is everything that we wanted in a dog and more. He is adapting to his new home well. When we first brought him home he was having difficulty keeping up with our 11 year old Summer Girl on our daily walks. He now does the 30 minute walk every day with no problem and then I throw the ball for him for another 10 minutes. He is very healthy and very strong. He walks well on a leash and will sit and lie down on command (so his English is getting better:). We right away had an issue with the two dogs fighting over soft toys so we have simply removed all soft toys from the house. In an attempt to reintroduce the soft toys at Christmas they fought again so it looks like the two of them will just have to do with out them. Not a problem because they do not fight over balls, food or attention so all is peaceful. We have had him to the groomers a couple of times and they just love him. He is always well behaved and he enjoys all of the attention he gets. I have added some photos here which include a trip to our beach condo (he did very well in an elevator, my guess is that he had been in one before), a romp in the autumn leaves and hanging out with the family. Enjoy and thank you to you all for allowing us to adopt such a great dog. Happy New year, Linda
- Linda
在乾枯的落葉上玩耍的阿小丹 Cabo
比較喜歡嘎滋嘎滋的落葉 ?! 還是衷於你心愛的 Tennis Ball ?!
媽咪說阿小丹 Cabo 很懂事很聽話,他很喜歡大家把注意力放在他身上
還是離不開球的阿小丹 Cabo - 像不像 吃碗內 看碗外 (台語)
Happy Cabo, Good Boy !
Cabo & Summer Girl
阿小丹 Cabo 在想....他的聖誔節禮物 會不會是一整打 的網球 ?!
阿小丹 Cabo's First Christmas in the USA
Whisper (Kelly) 和家裡媽咪在一起的時候,總是很有自信。但遇見陌生人時,仍帶點羞怯,不過依然是很親人
Whisper (Kelly) 原排定的眼科手術,因為 Whisper 前一陣子有點腸胃方面的問題,暫時延後
Whisper (Kelly) 總是很快樂。只要她醒著的每一刻,她總是會自己找一個玩具後,就開始玩得不亦樂乎

媽咪在早上時幫 Whisper 洗著舒服乾淨的泡泡浴喔!

等到天氣在炎熱一點, Whisper 就會安排進行眼科手術,到時候 Whisper 就可以在有室內空調的環境中好好休養!
照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組 跨海認養部
Kelly (now Whisper) 的媽咪相信 Whisper 是他們逝去的狗狗 Liberty 帶領她進這個家庭的。媽咪告訴 Whisper – 妳是Liberty & ARTT 揀選成為我們家中的一員,最好要乖乖的聽話 ......其實媽咪心中早已認定 Whisper 是家中的乖寶寶

媽咪對當初 Kelly (now Whisper) 被形容為一隻傷殘狗覺得莞爾。Whisper 是媽咪擁有過的狗兒裡最聰明,速度最快和最有趣的

Whisper 是家中最忙碌的一位了.... 每天第一個起床的是她,最晚入睡的也是她,太多的玩具讓她每天應接不暇,忙於奔波

Whisper 已經是她的狗姐姐 Ty 和全家人生命中重要的一部份。Whisper 有自己的個性,不喜歡家人用抱 Liberty 一樣的方式抱住她,但她每晚睡在媽咪床上,就同 Liberty 以前睡的同一個角落,守護著媽咪和這個家

Message from Whisper's new family
Dear Maggie & Joseph,
I hope you both are well. Whisper has been a part of my life for six months now and I wanted to share with you our great love for her. She is a dog that celebrates life and I know that Liberty sent her to us. I tell Whisp (that’s my nickname for her) that “Libby, Maggie & Joseph picked you to come live with us....so you better be a good girl.” That’s a joke because she is a VERY GOOD dog.
I have to laugh that Whisper was ever called disabled. She is smarter, faster and funnier than any dog that I’ve ever had. She’s the first to wake up every day and last to go to sleep because she has too many toys to play with. Her life is filled with love and joy. She’s an important part of my life and the sister for Ty (David) and Jack. She has all of us smiling and loving her lust for life. Although she doesn’t like to be held the way Libby did she sleeps on my bed every night in the same spot and watches over me.
Thank you both for the amazing rescue work you do. I will forever be connected to you both for sending me Liberty, Ty & Whisper. They are my family and have assisted me in my own rescue work here in the U.S.
I thought you might like to see these photos.
Warm Wishes,