2009/08/23美國洛杉磯Tony & David
~~ 莫拉克颱風重創南台灣,高屏地區多個民間收容流浪動物的狗園災情慘重,初估有超過千隻貓狗流離失所,超過三百隻以上的貓狗慘遭淹死或遭泥流活埋。流浪動物本已是台灣社會中弱勢的一群,現在更是弱勢中的弱勢。希望大家為這


1. Tony
2. David
3. Lesley
4. Lydia

【救援日誌】可憐名犬遭丟下永和山水庫溢洪道 救援小組營救帶回

Lesley & Lydia 是在苗栗造橋山區援救的幼犬:

謝謝護犬大使 林静慈 陳思樺



護犬大使 林靜慈 with Lesley & Lydia

護犬大使 陳思樺 with David & 救援小組北部志工

Tony 親到漂亮姐姐了,David 好像還在想 還有餅乾嗎 ?!


謝謝經常到機場幫忙的志工群 ^^

狗狗們已平安抵達洛杉磯。四隻狗狗是由二個不同的動保組織前來接機,先和大家分享 Tony & David 的最新。

眼力好的網友們或許發現 -- 認養黃金獵犬 阿軍 的媽咪,好像也已加入當地動保組織的志工群。相信阿軍媽咪是因著愛屋及烏,所以也投入志工群的行列囉。



開麥拉之後,各自表演囉。(David 是不是還在想--怎麼沒有餅乾 ?!)

Thought you would enjoy seeing these pictures of David....he's a bit of a wild child so we placed him with an experienced foster who is helping him to learn the social graces. He's in a home with three other dogs and a pet rat...keeps wanting to go after the rat!

He loves to jump in the pond and water tubs and roll in the mud at his foster home. We think he's a 4 month old pup in the body of a 3 year old!

He's loveable and will make a great dog for a family willing to continue training with him.


中文意思摘要:因為 David 目前個性較為好動不易駕馭,美國志工幫他安排非常有經驗的中途要幫助 David 學習社會化。中途家裡另外有三隻狗狗和一隻寵物鼠。David 非常樂於跳進池塘和水桶裡玩水,也喜歡在中途家的泥地上翻滾,美國志工形容 David 就像是四個月大的幼犬,但有著三歲大的身軀 : )

ARTT's Tony was adopted just a week after arriving on U.S. soil today by Cindy and Tom Power of Seal Beach. T as he will be called by his new family happily embraced his big new home with lots of space to run inside and outside and cool shady places to hang out. Within the first 30 seconds, T greeted his new family as if he had known them all his life. New toys and treats greeted him and this happy boy was simply in heaven.

Much thanks goes to Maggie and ARTT and all the great work they do in Taiwan to give these dogs a second chance at life. For those who have read Tony's story - he was found dumped in a dam, skinny and alone. ARTT rescued him and gave him a fresh new start. Thanks goes to Uncle Ira Lawson, our Welcome Waggin Ambassador, and the rescue crew who greeted Tony at LAX including Julie Fukushima who fostered this boy. Tony spent a week with 11 month old GRCGLARescue golden, Buddy, at Julie Fukushima's. Julie and her beau, Jack, helped Tony prepare for his new life with his forever family...all the while forming a great relationship with Buddy. Thank you Daryl Deino for doing the homevisit for this wonderful family.

I suspect that T will get a taste of true American sports since the Power family are big fans of UCLA and the Angels!

Thank you all for making today a special one for T. Enclosed are pictures of Ts new family along with Julie, Jack and their golden, Buddy.


中文意思摘要:台灣動物緊急救援小組援救的 Tony 在抵達美國一個星期後,已由Cindy and Tom Power 認養。T 是新家庭給 Tony 的新名字。T 在和新家庭見面的開始,他對新家庭的熱情迎接,彷彿他早已經認識他們許久,現在迎接 T 的是滿滿的玩具和獎賞,他開心的哩。照片裡的是 T 和他的新家庭以及照顧他一個星期的中途家庭和他們 11 個月大的黃金Buddy。 Message from Tony's new family

Hi Barbara! I would be happy to help out any way we can. I can give you a quick update for now. Tony was renamed Torii (after the Angel Baseball player, my daughter's favorite player on the team). He is not the same dog that was brought to us - in a wonderful way! When we first had him in our home, he was very timid, quiet and docile. After being with us for a few weeks, I think he no longer was worried about his survival and suddenly his second puppyhood started to emerge! He has become much more playful, curious and loving. He has also gained about 10 pounds and his coat is coming in beautifully. He splits his sleeping time between our daughter's bed and ours - he is a real snuggler and a bed hog!! He likes to go for walks but is not fond of running - my husband has attempted several times and Torii stops dead in his tracks a couple blocks from our house, even though he will walk a mile! He loves his toys - it is joyful to see him prancing in the backyard with one of his toys in his mouth, proud as can be. He loves to be brushed and does not seem to mind bath time at all. He has met other dogs belonging to friends and is very playful and good with them. The only problem that we have had is that he has had a couple accidents in the house, but he seems to want to please us, and with some encouraging from us and 'fencing off' the living room, that problem hopefully is behind us. We feel very lucky to have him a part of our family. It is wonderful to see him blossom before our eyes! Thanks to everyone who helped to bring him into our lives! Cindy Power

中文意思摘要: Torii (Tony) 現在和剛到新家時都不一樣了。第一次剛到新家時,他非常的羞怯,安靜和服從。幾個星期的相處之後,我想他知道不用再擔心了,突然間 他幼犬時期的行為開始浮現,變得很愛玩耍,凡事都很好奇。Torii 已經增加約十磅,毛髮也愈來愈漂亮。Torii 有時和我們女兒睡,有時和我們睡,他真得很喜歡和我們依偎在一起。他很喜歡散步,似乎對奔跑没有太大的興趣。看Torii 咬著玩具在後院玩耍很有意思,他很喜歡我們幫他刷毛,洗澡對 Torii 來說根本不是什麼大不了的事。Torii 和其他的狗狗也都相處得很好。唯一的問題是 Torii 在屋內出過一些小狀況,但似乎是為了取悅我們,得到我們的鼓勵… 我們覺得很幸運地可以擁有他成為家裡的一員,謝謝所有幫助過 Torii 的每一位朋友,謝謝大家將他帶入我們的生命裡。Cindy Power 照片文字來源:Denise, Volunteer of GRCGLARescue

David (now Gilligan) at New Home

I'm very happy to announce that Maggie's David was adopted by Peter Miller of Redondo Beach!

David arrived to the U.S. about 2 months ago and his story is an inspiring one of a dog left lying on the street after a run-in with a motorcycle. Thanks to a couple good citizens in Taiwan and Maggie Chen with ARTT...David quickly found refuge and care which prepared him for a better life here in Southern California...and the eventual meeting of his human companion Peter Miller.

For those who met David...he could have doubled for Marley in the famous movie/book Marley & Me with an energy level and gusto for anything and everything that he touched. Merely operating within his nature, David demonstrated his exuberance for this new world in a manner which would challenge even the most patient of puppy owners! : ) After several weeks of developing a routine and walking with volunteers, David started to find his mojo and soon was introduced to Peter.

Peter spent time with David (whom he now calls Gilligan)...a very appropriate name for this sweet goof ball...and found this dog quickly tugged at his heart strings. Gilligan happily went home with Peter, a devoted dog lover and one totally committed to giving Gilligan all he needs to reach his full potential. The updates so far have been great and Gilligan is finding his way in this world with the leadership and love of Peter. Peter told me he's happy and that makes me very happy!

Much thanks goes to numerous folks who have touched the life of this dog on his rescue journey thus far including: Maggie Chen of ARTT, the GRCGLARescue Welcome Waggin Crew who greeted David at LAX, David & Sonsee Perry, Joyce Thommen, Kriss Harrigan and all the volunteers who walked David at Culver Palms...Colleen Phillips, Cheryl Cook, Jody Rudy and others. Thank you to Jody Rudy for facilitating this adoption! Thank you Diane Daniels for scouting out such a terrific human and home for this dog.

Peter often throws dog parties where the humans eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and the dogs eat steak! Now that's truly a dog's life. I am very happy for David (Gilligan) and look forward to getting updates and pics from Peter to share.

This is truly a great success story and one of the many reasons why I'm so proud of this organization and the amazing work we do on behalf of homeless goldens wherever they arrive from!

Congratulations Gilligan and Peter!!

Denise Buczek - Volunteer
Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles Rescue David (now Gilligan) 的新家 寄來新的訊息和照片囉......

Gilligan 跟著他的二位 拉不拉多兄弟 Woogie & Ernie 學習。Gilligan 玩得有些過頭, 但他的狗兄弟會糾正他。他咬玩的行為已經改善一些了。Gilligan 爸爸已經試著讓 Gilligan 自己單獨 留在屋子裡大約一個小時,他很安份地就坐睡在床上,沒有搞破壞 ...... Gilligan 也喜歡坐在游泳池畔消暑玩水 ......

Gilligan is doing very well. He's being schooled a little by his new lab friends Woogie and Ernie. He plays a little too aggressively but they correct him and it seems to be working. The biting is getting better but not gone yet. He seems REALLY happy and just loves meeting people. I have been leaving him alone in the house for up to an hour uncrated and he just sits on the bed - no destruction. I've enclosed some pictures. He is allowed in the pool now but doesn't swim yet. He loves to sit on the first step and cool off and splash. Ill keep you updated. I really love this guy!

Pete 照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組

Gilligan aka David

完全被寵上天的 Gilligan (also known as David)

在樹叢裡玩迷宮遊戲的 Gilligan (also known as David)

Happy little bear - Gilligan (also known as David )

From Peter...

The David you speak of is now Gilligan. My first dog was named Dave so I changed it. He's doing beautifully. I'm attaching some pictures. One is a few weeks before Christmas when we let him pick out the tree. He is completely spoiled, has many friends, gets a ton of exercise and is one happy little bear 照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組 跨海認養部

2009 年 4 月被棄置在水庫溢洪道的 Tony (now Torii),現在快樂的奔馳在加州著名的 Long Beach

是狗依偎著人 ?! 還是人依偎著狗 ?!

鳩佔鵲巢 ......

Happy Boy
