2009/09/11美國洛杉磯Henry 等6隻

1. Henry
2. Kenny
3. Mangle
4. Margaret
5. Nina
6. Sunny

1. Henry

2. Kenny 由屏東車城福安宮香客大樓前的小橋上救回 ,身上還有嚴重灼傷

3. Mangle 由屏東車城福安宮後方的魚塭區救回

4. Margaret是大雨中,由阿公店水庫區救回,也是有著嚴重的皮膚疾病

5. Nina

6. Sunny


謝謝護犬大使 曾瑋銘 Frank


屏東車城福安宮救回的 Kenny & Mangle
【救援日誌】救援小組奔百里 車城福安宮救遭熱油燙身、鐵鍊勒喉、皮膚病等九犬

毛髮煥然一新的 Sunny & 害羞可愛的 小亨利

任人擺佈個性極佳的 Nina & 分貝高喜歡看鏡頭的 瑪格麗特
以下連結是洛杉磯動保組織幫 Sunnay & Henry 錄製的宣傳影片:

Sunny (Sedona) on YouTube

Henry (Tucson) on YouTube



Kenny 是由屏東車城福安宮香客大樓前的小橋上救回 ,救回當時身上還有嚴重灼傷....

【救援日誌】救援小組奔百里 車城福安宮救遭熱油燙身、鐵鍊勒喉、皮膚病等九犬

右邊連結是洛杉磯動保組織幫 Kenny 錄製的宣傳影片:Kenny on YouTube



在屏東車城福安宮香客大樓前的小橋上救回 ,當時身上還有嚴重灼傷的 Kenny

現在也是睡軟墊,也會玩 玩具 (Kong) 喔!


Kenny has adapted so fast I'm very happy. He is an excellent walker.

Other than having an issue with squirrels, he is one happy boy when on a leash. So far we have been on the local creekside trail walks of 2-3 miles. No issues with other dogs.

He is great with kids. He was coming along so fast I introduced him to the 10 year old girl next door. He likes to rub his body against the person that is giving him any attention.

We are working on commands now. He is good when I tell him to come when he is on a long rope. But off the rope the command seems to lose it's meaning. He is an intelligent dog so I expect that once he gets the concept of commands he will progress very fast.

Today was his first day in the pen from early morning 6:30 to 12:00. I worked a partial day and will increase the time span by Wed his should be up to 9 hours on his own. He took to his pen very quickly. He has a couple of favorite spots that uses for sleeping in the sun.

Again thanks for all your work. It has made a major difference in his life.

I attached a couple of pictures of my Malinois. Just in case you are interested with who I used to live with.

被繁殖場丟棄,狗園收留,八八水災後幸運存活下來的 Nina,她的新家傳回最新的照片囉 ....


Nina 新家給她取了新的名字 Sadie

個性很好的 Sadie,是家中每天睡到最晚起床的.... (好羨慕)

媽咪說 每個見到 Sadie 的人,都好喜歡她

Sadie 現在已經很懂得 Sit 這個指令,也正在學習另一個指令 Stay

Message from Sadie's Mommy

Thanks Teresa, this would be great if you can make this happen. Thank you! Sadie (Nina) is doing very well. You would never know that she had lived anywhere else! She is so sweet and mild mannered. She has a good ear for anything that sounds like it might have to do with food! When I mention going outside to go potty, she runs right back to the couch. She is the last one to get up in the morning, and that is usually when I snap the leash on her to go out on our walk. Everyone who meets her loves her. She just has this look. My daughter lovingly calls her Gremlin. We are working on basic commands. She does well with sit and is getting there with stay. We are enjoying her very much! Here are some pictures of this sweetie pie! You can see that she looks very comfortable! She is truly a princess in our house. : )

Jean Benedict

