2009/09/08美國西雅圖Sakura 等13隻

八月的莫拉克颱風重創南台灣,許多的生命遭到無情洪水的淹沒。台灣動物緊急救援小組除了全力協助受災狗園的清理與重建,並將訊息譯成英文,讓國外網友及美國合作的動物保護組織一同來為這些生命付出關懷。在西雅圖的動物保護組織更特別為 Animal Rescue Team Taiwan (ARTT) 成立專欄,希望當地更多的中途家庭投入參與協助,多一個中途家庭的參與,就是多一個機會讓台灣水災災區的狗狗得到幫助。這次前往西雅圖的狗狗,雖非水災災區的受難犬,也都有著讓人心酸的過去,謝謝西雅圖動保組織的大力協助,接手這些生命的未來,如此救援小組有更多的心力物力,醫院可以有更多的空間,一起幫助更多更多的受災動物。

1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Bi Bi
8. Doris
9. Sugar
10. Sakura (貓)
11. Fiona
12. Apple
13. Apollo

【救援日誌】救援小組奔百里 車城福安宮救遭熱油燙身、鐵鍊勒喉、皮膚病等九犬



救援小組在台中援救的 Sakura (^^)

【救援日誌】救援小組奔台中、鑽車底擠隙縫 大客車迷宮搶救三隻全身爛光癩皮狗

在大客車迷宮中救回的 Fiona

【救援日誌】鋼絲纏頸刺喉、狗頭潰爛流膿 救援小組奔屏東瑪家國中營救送醫手術

屏東縣瑪家鄉被鋼絲勒頸的 Apple

補獸夾下,幸運保全四肢的 Apollo


謝謝護犬大使 吳佳珍 & 劉斐中

九隻幼犬 完美合作 的演出 (感恩吶)


愛講話 的 Sakura–在機場裡用悅耳 的喵~~,告訴大家她的存在 ^ ^

狗仔們:機場這裡原來這麼好玩 Sakura:我到西雅圖後再慢慢玩




~~ 貓咪 Sakura 和狗狗們均已平安抵達西雅圖 ~~




9 puppies

為確保 Sakura 的安全,在西雅圖機場志工們依然是讓 Sakura 待在運輸籠內,這樣 Sakura 可以自在一些。Sakura 的照片,稍後待西雅圖當地志工傳回之後,再和大家一起分享。^^ 照片來源:西雅圖當地志工

Doris 與寄養家庭的 Emma 初相見

Doris 與寄養家庭的 Hunter

Doris 可愛的台灣米克斯 ^^
Sakura–I have been adopted !!

Message from Sakura's new family:

She is best friends with my cat, Sage. They love to chase each other and play. They are so fast it is hard to get a photo of them together! The other day, she was sleeping between two of my other cats- it was so cute! They have accepted her very quickly. None of them hiss at her and she does not hiss at them. She loves my cat, Gabriel. She has a crush on him I think!

It was funny- the other night she was sitting on the tall cat stand next to Wiley's bed. She was very interested in him. I told them that they are both very special and came a very far way to be with us.

中文意思摘要:Sakura 和我們的貓 Sage 已經是好朋友了,她們喜歡相互追逐和玩在一起。有一次 Sakura 睡在我們另外的二隻貓之間,好可愛。他(她)們很快地都接受了 Sakura 成為家裡的一員,大家相處融洽。一天晚上,Sakura 坐在一個高高的貓站檯上,就緊依著 Wiley 的床。Sakura 對 Wiley 很感興趣,我告訴他們,他們倆都很特別,都是經過好長的一段路才和我們成為一家人。

照片來源: 台灣動物緊急救援小組

才一個月.... 感覺 BiBi 長大了好多

Matty (Monday) 已經被認養了,新的名字是 Kai

Matty 與他的大丹狗哥哥 Cirus & 和一樣來自台灣的 BiBi 一同玩耍
照片來源:ARTT 台灣動物緊急救援小組 跨海認養部

Apple 的救援日誌 2009/06/10

Apple 是隻非常讓人喜歡 & 疼愛的狗狗,她已經完全擄掠了我的心。Apple 花了二個月的時間,才對我有足夠的信任而願意和我親近。大約五個月的相處,Apple 方可讓我在她的頭上親吻。到現在,Apple 來到我們家已經八個月了,Apple 看見牽繩會很開心的 搖著尾巴走過來,尤其是在狗公園時,當她看見我從口袋裡拿出網球的模樣,真得很可愛

Apple 現在也會試著要引起你對她的注意力。她會微微的低著頭走向我,用她眼角的餘光對我說:摸摸我 告訴我 我是不是很乖 很棒 ?! Apple 雖然還是有點害羞,但已經會主動去接近人類 希望得到她想吃的東西

Apple 和她的大個子姐姐 Lucy 極為要好。要在沙發或床裡把玩具找出來,並不是太艱難的任務 .... Apple 除了我,也有爺爺奶奶,大家都很喜歡 Apple

Message from Apple's family


My name is Angela and I am Apple's new mom. I just want to say Thank You so much for helping to get her to me. She is just the sweetest dog and has stolen my heart. It took her about 2 months to trust me enough to not try and get away. It took about 5 months to be able to kiss her on the head. And now, about 8 months in, she comes with tail wagging when she sees her leash and I won't even tell you how adorable she is when she sees her tennis ball come out of my pocket when we get to the dog park. She is starting to seek out attention and she will walk up to me with her head down but looking at me out of the corner of her eye, saying, please pet me and tell me what a good girl I am. She is still quite shy but has gone from cowering in the presence of other dogs and people to playing with her ball even with other dogs around (as long as they are not too close). She is also doing very well with approaching people to take goodies. She does love her goodies. She absolutely loves her big sister, Lucy. It didn't take Apple long to discover to joys of the couch and the bed. She has a grandma and grandpa now, too. They just love her so much. I've included some pictures to show Apple in her new life.

Thank you again for all you do for the are truly amazing people.


